Presbyterian Prayer Partnership

We join in prayer together

New Beginnings!

Friday April 5th, 7pm @ the Church

This will be our second NEW BEGINNINGS MEETING with our Coach, Rev. Paul Kang. In this workshop we will learn about how ministry has radically changed and begin to get excited about new possibilities in ministry that have never been open to us before.  This evening will be  an inspiring, motivational and eye-opening event that will encourage all of us as we begin this vital adventure together!

Please join us!

Our Sock Tree of Hope is back!!!

As we step up to serve our friends and neighbors in our community,
please consider bringing in a pair (or two!) of warm winter socks (or mittens, hats, & scarves!!!)
There is nothing worse than cold, wet feet (hands, ears, …)
during our Canadian winters!

Help us to bring in a bumper crop of warm winter wear to show the love of Jesus
to our students and our neighbors in need. (especially those new to Canada)

Thank you in advance!

Please join us!

Children’s Programs

Sunday School and Nursery

On Sunday morning the children of our church begin in the Sanctuary with us. Following a conversation with the Minister, children ages 4 and up go to Sunday School. There is also a Nursery provided for the younger children.

Covid 19 precautions, such as sanitization and individualized student packs are in place.

Kids, Please join us!

VBS 2024

Join us August 12 ~ 16th, 2024

8:45 ~ noon

@ Doon Church ~ the lil’ church on the hill

      … or should we say “under the sea!”

Please join us!

Ladies Aid

The Ladies Aid are a group of women who meet together monthly for fellowship. If you are looking for a community of women that cares for you and shares in life with you, this is the group for you. Women of all ages are welcome.

We would love for you to join us!

Doon, Kitchener

Main: (519) 748-4540

Doon Presbyterian Church

35 Roos St. Kitchener, Ontario N2P 2B9 | Sundays @ 10 am