About Doon
Join us for a Sunday. We’d love to meet you!
Considering a Visit?
We’re so glad you’re interested in visiting Doon!
What is worship like?
Doon’s worship service is approximately 1 hour long. We use multi-media to enhance the experience along with a mixture of traditional and contemporary music as well as hymns and choruses. Throughout there are prayers, Scripture is read, the minister shares a story for children in particular, and also a message for adults. Everything you need to follow along is projected on a screen and printed in a bulletin. You are welcome to participate as fully as you’d like, or to simply sit back and observe.
What about my children?
From September to June, following a conversation/story with our Minister, children from JK to Grade 6 are invited to go to Sunday School. There is a nursery available for those not yet old enough for Sunday School.
Accessing the building
To enter the church, you can use either the front door (seasonally open) or side entrance. For those that would like to avoid stairs, please use the side entrance and ask anyone you see for directions to the elevator. We would be happy to help you.
There are accessible parking spaces by the side entrance to the building and close to the stairs to the main entrance.
After the service
Following the service you are invited to join us for coffee, tea, and snacks downstairs in our Fellowship Hall. Simply follow the crowd to find the right space.
We would love to get to know you more and help you get the information that you need. If you have any questions, please call us at (519) 748-4540 or email us directly at churchoffice@doonpc.com.
Who we are
Formed in 1853 in the heart of Doon Village, Doon Presbyterian Church is a diverse, joyful, and compassionate family of faith who care deeply for one another. We are made up of thoughtful people who take their faith seriously, and who seek to live it out at home, at work, and in their neighbourhoods. Welcoming, embracing, and valuing ALL in the name of Jesus is at the heart of who we are. As a family of God we seeks to grow in faith, hope and love; striving to respond to God’s nudge to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. We support one another, while making a difference in one another’s lives – and our world – in the name of Jesus. Worship is welcoming, musical, joyful and Spirit led! Whether you are new to the area, new to the faith, or rediscovering your church background, we are here for you! Come see for yourself what God’s Spirit is doing here at Doon, by joining us in person this Sunday at 10 am. The service is also livestreamed and can be watched on YouTube. Come, for you will find roots, place and belonging in this family.
We are a part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (www.presbyterian.ca).
To read “Living Faith” the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s statement of faith follow this link: Official Documents | The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Territorial Acknowledgement
Doon Presbyterian Church meets on the Haldimand Tract, land promised to the Haudenosaunee people of Six Nations, which includes six miles on either side of the Grand River. This is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples. To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose territory we reside on, and a way of honouring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land for thousands of years.
Who We Are
Meet our Minister and Clerk of Session!

Rev. Jen Sokolowsky
Rev. Jen Sokolowsky has been a minister in The Presbyterian Church in Canada since 2005. She is passionate about serving congregations as they discern who they are and who God is calling them to be. She has a heart for Pastoral Ministry and Preaching, and enjoys walking alongside congregations as they ask challenging questions and listen for Spirit’s response. Jen earned a B.A. from McMaster University, focusing on Sociology and Religious Studies. She has a Masters of Divinity degree from Knox College, University of Toronto. From 2005-2014 Jen served at Armour Heights Presbyterian Church as their Associate Ministers for Children, Youth and Young Families. From 2015-2022 she served as Minister of Erindale Presbyterian in Mississauga. She has also served in Long Term Care as a Chaplain. Currently Jen serves Camp Kintail part-time, organizing their Weddings and Rentals. She is delighted to be among the people of Doon for the next year.
Jen has two teens, Niamh and Eoghan, whom she adores. She is married to Dave, who happens to be the most supportive husband in the world.

Joanne Baxter
Clerk of Session
Joanne was born and raised in Essex County where she attended St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Puce, ON (now Lakeshore -St Andrews). She was in the junior choir and attended the Sunday School there. She moved from Nova Scotia to Toronto in 1991 and then on to Kitchener in 1995. Joanne found home at doon in 1999. She joined in 2001 and became an Elder in 2008. Joanne has convened a number of committees including Ladies Aid, Stewardship and Mission & Outreach. We are delighted Joanne is our Clerk of Session!